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SWKRNDRWFGS&W K/L X/Z Rnd Rosewood Finger Groove with medallions
SWKRNDWNFGS&W K/L /X/ZRnd Walnut Finger Groove with medallions
SWKRNDSBFGS&W K/L & X/Z Rnd Silverblack Finger Groove with medallions
SWKRNDRWCCFGS&W K/L & X/Z Rnd Rosewood CheckeredFinger Groove with medallions
SWKRNDWNCCFGS&W K/L & X/Z Rnd Walnut Checkered Finger Groove with medallions
SWKRNDsbCCFGS&W K/L & X/Z Rnd Silverblack Checkered Finger Groove with medallions
SWKRNDWNSMS&W K/L Rnd Walnut Finger Groove with medallions, checkered and scroll
SWKRNDSBSMS&W K/L & X/Z Rnd Silverbl ack Finger Groove with medallions, checkered & s
SWKRNDRWSLS&W K/L & X/Z Rnd Rosewood Finger Groove with logo, checkered & scroll